Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Morning Swim

I was the Y this morning as they opened.  I've learned this is about the only way to guarantee you can get a lane to yourself.  The other trick is to use the lane that has the big staircase going down into it.  Most swimmers don't like this lane as the stairs intrude pretty heavily into it.  Since I can't do a flip turn yet stopping a few feet short to avoid the stairs and turning around doesn't bother me.  Plus it seems to earn me points from the swimming elite when I take that lane over another one as I then leave the uncluttered lanes to better swimmers.

So I did 15-20 minutes of my one rolling drill with a few variations today.  At times I tried to focus on different things.

-exhaling only while underwater which I did quite well at.
-keeping my legs locked while kicking which I THINK I did well at but its hard to know.
-body position...   I did ok at this... but could be better.  I need to keep my head down more and not look forwards so much.
-and rolling the back half of my body before the front half which I did ok at too.

I'm frustrated with my swim progress.  I'm sure that Jacki knows exactly what she's doing... but I'm dying to get cracking and swim some real laps with a freestyle stroke.  I have two sessions with her this week so hopefully I can make some solid progress.  I need to ask her as well for a timetable of sorts so I can make sure my August race is realistic.  As I'll need to get some lap time in as well as some open ocean time.

I need to be patient here...    but I'll be honest.  I'm not always the most patient person when it comes to wanting to learn something I really want to do.  But I'm trying!

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